Sunday 18 March 2012

Craig Reviews GCB: Hell Hath No Fury


GCB’s second episode manages to keep all of the bitchy charm that made the opening episode so enjoyable, and also developed a few more tantalising story-lines along the way. Perhaps not as many as I'd have liked, and a couple of elements fell a bit flat this week, but the show remains engaging and fun regardless. Kristin Chenoweth steals every scene she’s in yet again as the delightfully vicious Carlene Cockburn, but the rest of the cast are more than able to keep up, and it was nice to see a few characters get a little more fleshed out this week. This series had a lot going for it after it’s first episode, the comedy was spot on, the cast were all great, and the plot was intriguing, if not gripping. Thankfully ‘Hell Hath No Fury’ proved that the season-opener was anything but a fluke.

This week’s episode opens on a disgraced Carlene, who is contemplating not going to church for fear of being judged. They've nailed the hypocrisy of Carlene’s character, and Kristin really rolls with it, it’s just so much fun to watch. Of course, as soon as Cricket threatens to sing Carlene’s solo in her place Carlene is straight out of bed and on her way to church. I thought this suggestion of competition between the two characters, especially watching Cricket sing along and glare in the background during Carlene’s song, was a nice little hint that even in our core group of ladies, who have put up a united front until now, there’s no love lost. Soon we get to the main focus of the episode, the tradition of labelling girls as Foxes or Javelinas at the local high school. This is a tradition created by Amanda back in her Queen Bee high school days. But of course, now that it’s her own daughter who is at risk of being publicly humiliated things seem very different. Yep, there’s that hypocrisy again, let it never be said that the show isn't balanced!

"Maybe you'd like to come over for a little prayer, some devotional, a sticky bun?" 

Not to be outdone by the high school girls our grown up bitches have some humiliating plans of their own when they discover that Gigi is throwing a luncheon to welcome Amanda back into the community, and instantly set about making sure nobody goes. All except Heather that is, who apparently hasn’t fully switched sides yet and so puts up with this plotting despite being close to Gigi herself, and even helping to plan the luncheon. I get that Carlene has some power over her professionally, but she seems to put up with a little too much bitchiness during this episode. We do get to see a more human side of Cricket during this episode, but she’s still very clearly one of Carlene’s sheep. That’s clearly no longer the case with Heather, but at the same time I think some distinction needs to be made as the character seems to be a bit of a loose end at the moment. Carlene also attempts to clean up Boobylicious this week, which provides some of the episodes big laughs (Carlene’s personal charity ‘For Children With Something’ was just perfect!) but it isn’t the most compelling storyline. It was pretty easy to predict that all would end up as it was at Boobylicious by the end of the episode so this little thread lacked any real punch, besides providing an outlet for all of Carlene’s self-righteousness.

So, we return to the central high-school plotline, as Amanda discovers that her daughter has been ‘marked’ to become a Javelina and decides to confront Carlene about it. The scene between Amanda and Carlene that follows was really quite interesting as, up until the last moments at least, I actually felt a bit of sympathy for Carlene, a former Javelina herself, who was tormented at the hands of Amanda during high school. For a brief moment at least, I kind of understood why Carlene is being such a mega-bitch. Then she proceeds to abandon Amanda in the middle of nowhere and that little bit of perspective is lost once again. To make matters worse Amanda makes a garbled phone call to her daughter and discovers that her own vicious plans to humiliate Carlene years ago are now playing out against her own daughter, or so she thinks. After a mad dash to the school we instead discover that she has in fact been made a Fox, admittedly only so the ladies of Dallas can try and find out more about the Vaughn family, but it’s still better than getting covered in mud! Amanda’s disapproval lasts all of ten minutes before she apologises in time for the end of the episode, as well as simultaneously realising that she wasn’t an ideal daughter. This felt a little cheesy to be honest, but then the scene where Gigi held her luncheon at Boobylicious came along and managed to actually be rather sweet. But the real payoff for me came from the revelation that Cricket is actually fully aware that her husband is gay. This really took me by surprise, as of all the storylines explored in the opening episode I thought that one was going to be the most predictable, but now I find myself looking forward to seeing where that thread will be going now. Sharon on the other hand had little to do in this episode, besides be hilarious, which she does very well, and eventually find out that her husband and Amanda had supposedly been spotted kissing, which was not really all that interesting to be honest. 

GCB manages to maintain it’s fun and quirky style with it’s second episode. A little more substance wouldn’t go amiss, but this show has already managed to become a firm favourite for me regardless. I think there could be a lot of life in this series if it’s done right, and I’d like to see that happen. For now though I’ll just keep eagerly awaiting my weekly visits to Dallas and all of the bitchiness that comes with it.

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