Wednesday 18 July 2012

Craig Reviews Summer 2012 Anime


Much like the previous season, I initially found that there was little to tempt me in this new season's bag of tricks. Unlike the Spring season however, I'm still feeling that way after giving everything a try. There's nothing in this season that feels half as exciting as Space Brothers or Polar Bear Cafe (so I'm very glad that both are still airing!) and that's unfortunate. It's a mixed bag certainly, and there are several shows that I am at least mildly interested in after giving them a shot, but this season is lacking any real big hitters so far. Of course, in much the same way as a show can start off strong and ultimately disappoint (*cough*Mouretsu Pirates*cough*), there's always a chance that these series could end up becoming really special, and certainly some of the ideas floating around this season have the potential to do so. It's just unfortunate then that a lot of this season's efforts seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot.